Held at The School of Art & Wellbeing, Honiton EX14 9TT
Held the 1st Wednesday each month
Afternoon: 2-5pm
A friendly and informative life class welcoming students of all levels – from first-timers to improvers. Teaching is based upon the fundamentals of capturing the figure from life with a focus on improving draughtsmanship & simplifying what you see – leading to more sensitive and dramatic responses. Particular attention is given to proportion, anatomy, reading gesture and flow of light across the form.
Students are welcome to draw in graphite or charcoal & or paint in oils. The class combines classical and contemporary approaches, both in the way we start and suggestions for paint palettes for those wishing to work in oils. To save time on the day, please tint your canvas with a pale grey or burnt Sienna colour. You will learn techniques to boost your confidence and knowledge of proportion, line, edge, flesh colour and flow of light as well as encouraging you to find your own artistic voice! Group sizes are limited to allow for plenty of 1:1 attention.
Cost: £35 per 3 hour session (to include some drawing materials)
Tea, coffee & biscuits provided!
Drawing - Charcoal: 'Nitram B Fusains Charcoal' is recommended.
Graphite - 2B, 4B, 8/9B. Putty rubber, hand held mirror, plumb line, paper stump or dry hog brush (for blending).
Painters - Oils: The 'Zorn Palette' White, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red Light, Raw Umber, Ivory Black.
Useful extras: *Terra Rosa, Cadmium Yellow Pale, Ultramarine Blue, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Alizarin Crimson
Pale grey tinted canvas or natural linen colour. Sizes 8x12", 10x12", 16 x12" or similar. Hand held mirror, plumb line. Palette knife & oil brushes (filbert shaped & flats are useful).